What is the Hume Community Power Hub?
The Hume Community Power Hub works with communities to provide access to advice and resources that bolster upskilling, engagement and importantly, the development of community-based renewable energy projects, promoting Victoria’s transition to renewable energy.
Social Enterprises Indigo Power and GV Community Energy are jointly delivering the Hume Community Power Hub. Additionally, we work closely with the North East Community Energy Network, a collaboration of 18 community energy groups from the Hume region and beyond. A dedicated working group made up of members from the North East Community Energy Network help guide the Hume Community Power Hub.
Components of the Power Hub
The HCPH will be working with community and local organisations on three core components:
Strengthening the Network
Strengthening the Network supports communities to get involved with renewable energy and get a helping hand on kickstarting projects, such as installing rooftop solar or batteries. It also builds on region-wide engagement featuring a public events program offering webinars, workshops and learning opportunities for individuals and groups.
Solar for Good
The Solar for Good program will provide capacity for the design of high value solar PV systems across the Hume Region. Additionally, it will provide technical support to community groups seeking assistance to identify and develop solar PV and energy efficiency type proposals to reach implementation status. Projects will primarily focus on buildings owned by community-based organisations.
Renewable Energy Readiness Fund (RERF)
The Renewable Energy Readiness Fund has an allocated budget of $100,000 to support community energy groups build the capacity of their participants. This may include upskilling programs, resource development, community engagement programs and building organisational capacity. Additionally, it supports programs that deliver region-wide feasibility studies, business cases, or delivery plans, that inform future project delivery.